Mrs Mavis La Bennett
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May 2012
A collection of books in the amount of $700,000 GYD was handed over by members of the Council of Friends of New Amsterdam (Cofona) to several groups in NA. The books were compliments of Ms. Ruthel Hamilton Fung, Education Committee Member of COFONA (US) Chapter. The groups benefitting from the donation of books were Ms. Marva Gordon Literacy Program, The Stanleytown Community Development Library, the UG’s Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE), and the Teacher’s Training College Program, NA.

The books arrived in time to assist Ms. Marva Gordon to conduct her literacy follow-up program at the All Saints Presbyterian Developmental Center where about 200 children assembled. In picture above Mrs. Mavis La Bennett is presenting the books to Ms.

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Marva Gordon; two other persons representing COFONA, who are out of sight, were Ms. Marcia Williams and Mrs. Gertrude Welch. Ms. Gordon thanked COFONA, for its support and timely donation of the books. Ms. Gordon explained that the donation has aided in making the Literacy Spring Fling, sponsored by the Gordon Family & Friends an overwhelming success.
This donation of books is a follow-up to the earlier donation of books, valued over $1M, recently handed over to the NA Public Library. Both sets of book donations were made possible by Ms. Ruthel Hamilton-Fung, a member of COFONA’s Education Sub-committee.

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