New Amsterdam’s oldest resident is 102

New Amsterdam’s oldest resident is 102

At 102, Mrs. Cecelia Ethleen Ramsay – King called ‘Tanti’ of Mayor and Town Council Housing Scheme, New Amsterdam has the distinction of being the oldest resident of New Amsterdam. She achieved the latest milestone on Thursday January 9th. During the week she was...
The ‘New’ New Amsterdam Town Hall

The ‘New’ New Amsterdam Town Hall

In recent times the more than 140-year-old New Amsterdam Town Hall has seen some refurbishment and renovations in that have also included the removal of most of its historic tower which once rose some 75 feet over the main entrance. Constructed in the 1860s, the New...
New Amsterdam celebrates 122nd Anniversary

New Amsterdam celebrates 122nd Anniversary

The New Amsterdam Town Council is presently celebrating 122 years of existence as a municipality.  The Council which is headed by Mayor Claude Henry observed the occasion on Tuesday with a simple cake cutting ceremony. The cake was made in the shape of the town hall....
Police move to make Angoy’s Avenue safer

Police move to make Angoy’s Avenue safer

Commander of B Division, Senior Super-intendent Clifton Hicken is introducing an unorthodox approach to make the community of Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam, safer. Many distribution companies do not permit their trucks to take goods into that community for fear of...